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Stephen A.

Fascinating, Eben. As you may remember, I love books, too. And my wife, Debbie, is a writer and, you're totally right: acquiring the books are part of her job.

We have hundreds of books--nothing like what you have--but a lot. In most rooms of our apartment, unshelved stacks. And I'm happy to say our son Harry is picking up our habit. I'm prone to lay in bed, look at the bookcases in the room, sigh, and say to Debbie, "I have so many good books."

We have an add'l 10 or so boxes in my parents' basement, and I took pictures of the contents so I can pull something from the "vault" whenever necessary. Those pics are incredibly helpful, especially since I remember a lot of my books by their spines, referring to that "beautiful mosaic" you mention.

I've just begun my own blog (http://peelslowlynsee.wordpress.com/), and you've inspired me to do a post about T.E. Lawrence's bookroom, the vision of which will probably make you very happy.

You might like my blog. My goal is to replicate what it's like to hang out with me, being one post after another of "Check this shit out." If you ever enjoyed that--and I think you did as much as I enjoyed hanging out with you!--then you might get a kick out of what I'm up to.

Later, Eben!!

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